Monday, June 21, 2010

A brief Introduction of Citrix Compnay

Citrix Systems was born from the idea of unlocking applications from datacenters, and employees from the office – changing the way IT and people work. Today, this is the promise of virtual computing, and Citrix is at the epicenter.

In the world ahead, the better way to work is virtual – completely untethered from the office, devices, networks and datacenters. This virtual workstyle creates new possibilities for personal efficiency and business speed. The world’s smartest organizations are discovering that “going virtual” is how to stay ahead in a business world that’s changing faster than ever.

Virtualization goes far beyond just consolidating servers. It’s also about powering the cloud, enabling online collaboration from anywhere, and taking desktop computing to an entirely new level. It’s about elevating IT from managing equipment and systems, to enabling them to deliver computing as an on-demand service. For our customers, it’s about unleashing the productivity and creativity of people, allowing them to seize business opportunity ahead of competitors.

By applying our virtual computing vision to everything from meetings to desktops, networks and clouds, computing can be far simpler. Our belief in the power of simplicity becomes more market-relevant every day and is the basis for how Citrix will continue to drive long-term value for shareholders, employees, customers and partners.

The more focused products of Citrix are Citrix Xendesktop, Citrix Xenapp Fundamentals and Citrix Xenapp version 6. More than 230,000 organizations worldwide rely on Citrix to help them build simpler and more cost-effective IT environments enabling virtual workstyles for users and virtual datacenters for IT. Citrix partners with over 10,000 companies worldwide in more than 100 countries. Founded in 1989, annual revenue in 2009 was $1.61 billion. You can Buy Software of these kinds online on many websites e.g.

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